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Caspar de Gelmini

Teilgenommen bei der Veranstaltung


Caspar de Gelmini studied after a preparatory training in composition  in Berlin at the University for Music and performing Arts Rostock where  he obtained his baccalaureate exam. He then studied until his Diploma  Examination at the University for Music Franz Liszt in Weimar. He took  postgraduate Studies at the University Mozarteum Salzburg as well as a  Master degree from the State University of Music and Performing Arts  in Stuttgart. During his studies he was Exchange Student at the Royal  College of Music in Stockholm, at the University for Music in Basel, at the  Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris and  at the IRCAM. His teachers majoring in composition were: Helmut Zapf,  Peter Manfred Wolf, Michael Obst, Annette Schlünz, Pär Lindgren, Karin  Rehnqvist, Georg Friedrich Haas, Michel Roth (music theory), Tristan Murail,  Marco Stroppa, Frédéric Durieux and Hèctor Parra. He is also studying Fine  Arts with focus on Video with Prof. Michael Brynntrup at the University of  the Arts Braunschweig. He received several awards in the field of Video  Arts. He was a finalist and winner of the Weimar Spring Festival Award  (2007 ,2005), winner of the BMW Composition Prize of Musica Viva in  Munich (2010 ,2008), winner of the Reading Panel IRCAM (Manifeste 2012;  Cursus 2014) and a finalist in the OE1 Talentebörse composition prize in  Austria (2013). Scholarships: Gerda and Luigi Prade Foundation, Oscar  and Vera Ritter Foundation, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty,  Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, German Academic Exchange  Service. Since 2007, his works are published by Verlag Neue Musik Berlin.  He worked with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Ensemble  Intercontemporain, Ensemble Recherche, IRCAM Centre Pompidou, Work  in Progress Berlin, Ensemble Phorminx Darmstadt, Ensemble Junge Musik  Berlin and many others.
